Transforming Author Dreams into Digital Reality

I craft digital success stories for indie authors at Literary Inspired. My portfolio showcases the power of strategic author branding and book marketing in action. Each project represents a journey of collaboration, turning writer’s visions into captivating online presences.

From stunning author websites that capture a writer’s essence to comprehensive branding packages that amplify literary voices, my work demonstrates how thoughtful digital marketing elevates author platforms. Explore how I’ve increased book visibility, created engaging online experiences, and forged direct connections between writers and readers.

These case studies illustrate the transformative impact of my author services. Whether you’re a debut novelist or an established writer seeking to refresh your digital footprint, these examples show the potential of partnering with me. Let your author brand become the next success story in my growing collection of digital author transformations.

Transforming Author Visions into Digital Reality

Explore My Portfolio

My portfolio showcases a diverse collection of digital marketing projects for indie authors. Each case study demonstrates how I’ve transformed author brands, elevated online presence, and connected writers with their ideal readers through tailored web design, social media strategies, and comprehensive book marketing campaigns.

As an author marketing specialist, my portfolio is more than just a collection of past projectsβ€”it’s a testament to the power of strategic digital branding in the literary world. Each entry represents a unique journey, where an author’s vision was transformed into a compelling online presence that resonates with readers and drives book sales.

Diverse Projects, Singular Focus

My portfolio spans a wide range of author services, including:

  • Author Website Design: Crafting visually stunning and functionally robust websites that serve as the cornerstone of an author’s digital presence.
  • Social Media Management: Developing engaging content strategies that build author-reader connections across platforms.
  • Book Launch Campaigns: Orchestrating comprehensive marketing efforts to maximize visibility and sales for new releases.
  • Brand Identity Creation: Designing cohesive visual identities that capture the essence of an author’s work and appeal to their target audience.
  • ARC and Street Team Management: Coordinating advanced reader programs to generate early buzz and reviews.

Each project showcases my ability to adapt to different genres, author goals, and target audiences, while maintaining a singular focus on elevating the author’s brand and reaching more readers.

A Narrative of Triumph

Every portfolio entry tells a story of collaboration and success. From helping debut authors establish their online presence to revitalizing the digital strategies of established writers, each case study demonstrates:

  • The initial challenge or goal
  • The tailored strategy developed
  • The implementation process
  • The measurable results achieved

These narratives serve not just as examples of my work, but as inspiration for what’s possible when authors invest in professional digital marketing.

Testimonials as Milestones

Interwoven throughout my portfolio are testimonials from satisfied clients. These author testimonials provide social proof of my expertise and the real-world impact of my services. They offer insights into the collaborative process and the tangible benefits authors have experienced, from increased book sales to growing fan bases.

Strategies Tailored to Author Goals

My portfolio highlights how I adapt my marketing strategies to align with specific author objectives:

  • For new authors: Building brand awareness and establishing a professional online presence.
  • For established authors: Expanding reach, engaging with existing fans, and attracting new readers.
  • For genre-specific needs: Crafting targeted campaigns that resonate with niche audiences.

Visuals That Speak Volumes

In the visually-driven world of online marketing, my portfolio showcases the power of compelling design. From eye-catching book covers to engaging social media graphics, each visual element is strategically crafted to capture attention and convey the author’s unique brand.

A Testament to Growth and Innovation

As you explore my portfolio, you’ll notice an evolution in techniques and strategies. This progression reflects my commitment to staying at the forefront of digital marketing trends and continuously refining my approach to deliver the best results for my clients.

Measurable Success

Each case study in my portfolio includes key performance indicators (KPIs) that demonstrate the tangible impact of my work:

  • Increase in website traffic and engagement
  • Growth in social media followers and interaction rates
  • Improvements in email newsletter subscriptions and open rates
  • Boost in book sales and author revenue

These metrics provide concrete evidence of the value I bring to each author’s marketing efforts.

Your Potential Story

As you browse through my portfolio, imagine the possibilities for your own author brand. Whether you’re a debut novelist looking to make your mark or an established writer seeking to refresh your online presence, my portfolio offers a glimpse into the transformative power of strategic digital marketing for authors.

I invite you to explore these success stories and envision how we could collaborate to write the next chapter in your author journey. Let’s transform your literary dreams into a digital reality that captivates readers and propels your career to new heights.

Meg is an invaluable asset to my authorship. Her organizational skills and marketing expertise help me avoid burnout and focus on writing. Megan's strategies have elevated my career, expanding my readership beyond what I could achieve alone. Her savvy approach is indispensable in the demanding world of indie publishing.

Carol James Marshall

Author of Santa Muerte Series

Megan nailed the logo design and color scheme, creating something both soothing and engaging. Her attention to detail and ability to capture my vision exceeded expectations. I'm thrilled with her creative expertise.

Yvonne Tillapaugh

Author of Silence

Megan nailed the logo design and color scheme, creating something both soothing and engaging. Her attention to detail and ability to capture my vision exceeded expectations. I'm thrilled with her creative expertise.

Rebecca J. Cole

Author of Emma Grace: Dante's Obsession

Literary Inspired's gorgeous branding caught my eye. Meg provides affordable services for indie authors. She created a cohesive website design for my diverse books. Her insightful approach and vibrant personality make her an essential team member.

Megan Montgomery

Author of Morgue to Love

Highly recommend! Meg transformed my website, newsletter, and socials, boosting sales. She's attentive, responsive, creative, and action-driven.

Rachel Ellyn

Author of Alien Witness Protection

Megan is a gem! Her marketing, SEO, graphic, and web design skills created a unique website reflecting my vision. She revamped my site and nailed the logo immediately. Her professionalism and work ethic are outstanding.

Anette Nilsson


Megan's work is absolutely perfect! Her design brought me to tears of joy. Her writing is outstanding. I'm filled with gratitude for her creative talents.

Jill Underwood

Author of Billy's and Bobby's New Home

Working with Megan has been fantastic. She provided high-quality, genre-appropriate graphics for social media and engaging post descriptions. Her services saved me hours and boosted my online presence.

Dani Antoinette

Author of Venom & Lace

Megan is an expert in her field. She gave the Sanctuary a professional online appearance, invaluable for our marketing. Her exceptional talent in design made our website beautiful and user-friendly.


Wolf Sanctuary

I'm beyond happy with Megan's help! She's professional, knowledgeable, and intuitive. The website she made is phenomenal and done quickly. She's easy to work with and tackles every task efficiently.

M.A. Cobb

Author of The Dire Reaction

Meg has been a huge help. She designed a one-page website and built my ARC/Street Team. She handled email collection, graphics, and more, allowing me to concentrate on writing.

Mandy Sawchuk

Author of Bound to the Playboy Billionaire

Meg's help with social media and Facebook ads is invaluable. Her design skills are top-notch, and her indie publishing knowledge runs deep. She's proactive and a true partner in my author business.

Katrina Kyle

Author of Hale Mary Series

Working with Megan is great. She's communicative, punctual, and delivers high-quality content. She's organized my social media, freeing me to focus on writing.

Anna Svoboda

Author of Whatever it Takes

Meg did a phenomenal job setting up my website. She handles updates and new projects quickly with great attention to detail!

Natalie Cammaratta

Author of The Falling & Uprising Series

Literary Inspired is a treat to work with. Meg is responsive, sets realistic expectations, and considers feedback to deliver exactly what you want. She created a logo and brand that perfectly captured my vision.


Debut Author

Meg is a pleasure to work with! Her support in SEO and book promotion has increased my engagement and sales!

Samantha Shaye

Author of The Fall of Ahilon

Fantastic service! Meg has helped, supported, and inspired me through my first book. Her guidance and expertise are invaluable for any first-time author.

Lou Poletti

Author of Gamebound

As an emerging Indie Author, I'm lucky to have Meg. She manages my social media, marketing, and newsletter creation beautifully. Her website redesign is perfect. I can't recommend her enough!

Christine Miles

Author of Smart is Seriously Sexy

Meg was a supportive presence throughout my book launch. She embraced the unique challenge of my book, believing in its success. Her organized approach and timely responses reduced my stress. Her affordable services span websites, graphic design, and marketing.

Irene Te

Author of This Place is Magic

Meg was great to work with, very transparent about her process, and answered all my questions with kindness. Highly recommend!

Becca Lamb

Author of Say When

Around the World: Your Time Zone is My Workspace

Serving Authors Globally with Seamless Collaboration

My client map spans continents, proving that effective author collaboration knows no geographic limits. Flexibility and adaptability are the cornerstones of my approach, ensuring that no matter where you write your stories, I’m there to help you share them with the world.

Adapting to Your World: 24/7 Author Services

The sun never sets on my author services. With clients in a multitude of time zones, my work rhythm adapts to yours, ensuring that our collaboration is as seamless as if we were in the same room. Whether you’re a morning writer in London or a night owl novelist in Tokyo, my flexible schedule accommodates your creative process and business needs.

A Web of Success Across the Globe

My client map is more than just pins on a board; it’s a constellation of success stories. Each location marks where tailored marketing strategies have been implemented, leading to increased book visibility and reader connections for authors across different cultures and markets. From the bustling literary scenes of New York to the emerging markets of Southeast Asia, my expertise helps authors reach readers wherever they may be.

Cultivating Global Reader Relationships

Building relationships with readers doesn’t stop at borders. My experience with international audiences allows me to craft messages that resonate, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers to hit the mark every time. Whether it’s adapting social media strategies for different platforms popular in various countries or tailoring email marketing to suit regional preferences, I ensure your author voice is heard clearly across the globe.

Flexibility That Follows the Moon

I align my schedule to meet the demands of your project and communication preferences, ensuring that the distance between us is just a number, not a barrier. This might mean early morning calls for US-based authors, late-night strategy sessions with European writers, or asynchronous collaboration with Australian novelists. My commitment is to be available when you need me, regardless of where the clock hands point.

Understanding Cultural Nuances in Book Marketing

Marketing an author’s work internationally requires a deep understanding of varying cultural contexts. My strategies are infused with this understanding, ensuring that they are relevant, respectful, and engaging for each unique audience. From adjusting book cover designs to resonate with different markets to crafting culturally sensitive promotional content, I ensure your books are presented in the best light to diverse readerships.

Seamless Project Management Across Seas

Leveraging technology and efficient project management tools, I ensure that tasks are completed and milestones are met with the precision of a well-orchestrated global dance. Whether it’s coordinating a multi-country book launch, managing translation projects for international editions, or synchronizing social media campaigns across time zones, my systems are designed for smooth, borderless operations.

FAQs: Working Across Time Zones and Territories

Q: How do you manage communication across different time zones? A: I schedule regular check-ins at times convenient for you and make use of asynchronous communication tools when needed. This might include detailed email updates, shared project boards, or recorded video messages to keep you informed regardless of time differences.

Q: Can you adapt marketing strategies to fit my specific audience, no matter their location? A: Absolutely. My marketing strategies are always tailored to fit the cultural and regional nuances of your target audience. This includes researching local reading preferences, adapting to region-specific social media platforms, and considering cultural sensitivities in promotional content.

Global Reach, Personal Touch

Step into a service realm where global coverage meets local service detail. Whether you’re a sunrise writer in Sydney or a midnight creator in Montreal, my expertise transcends time zones and connects literary voices with readers worldwide. Let’s take your story global, ensuring that no matter where your readers are, they’ll find you.

In this interconnected world, your stories deserve to be heard across borders and oceans. With my global perspective and adaptable approach, we’ll craft a marketing strategy that resonates with readers from all corners of the earth. Your time zone is my workspace, and together, we’ll make sure your books find their home on bookshelves and e-readers around the world.

Affordable Indie Author Marketing | Literary Inspired | Author Marketing Specialist

Write. Market. Succeed.

what authors are saying

As an emerging Indie Author, I'm lucky to have Meg. She manages my social media, marketing, and newsletter creation beautifully. Her website redesign is perfect. I can't recommend her enough!
Christine Miles
Author of Smart is Seriously Sexy
Fantastic service! Meg has helped, supported, and inspired me through my first book. Her guidance and expertise are invaluable for any first-time author.
Lou Poletti
Author of Gamebound
Megan's work is absolutely perfect! Her design brought me to tears of joy. Her writing is outstanding. I'm filled with gratitude for her creative talents.
Jill Underwood
Author of Billy's and Bobby's New Home