Indie Author Spotlight Series

Ready for your close-up? My Author Spotlight Series is your golden ticket to connect with a community that’s hungry for fresh, indie romance tales. It’s more than just a feature; it’s your personal stage to share your writing journey, promote your latest releases, and offer valuable insights that can inspire both authors and readers alike. Let’s amplify the voices in the indie romance world and get people hooked on your love stories.

If you’re an indie romance author and would like to be featured in my Author Spotlight series, please fill in the questionnaire below so that I can get in touch with interview questions relevant to you and the book or series you’d like to promote in an upcoming feature.

Every Wednesday, mark your calendars because that’s when I unveil a new interview, offering an intimate look into the lives and creative processes of indie romance authors. These aren’t your average Q&As; each interview is a custom-crafted masterpiece, born from in-depth research to give you a comprehensive view of the author’s world.

The spotlight isn’t just shining; it’s blazing with a backlog of interviews due to popular demand. Yes, you read that right! I’ve got a lineup of authors already scheduled, and even more waiting in the wings. It’s a testament to the richness and diversity within the indie romance community, and a promise of many more captivating stories and voices to discover.

By featuring these indie authors, my aim is to amplify their voices and connect them with readers like you, who are always on the hunt for original, heartfelt love stories. So, whether you’re a romance aficionado looking for your next favorite author or an indie writer seeking a platform, the Author Spotlight page is your go-to.


What is the Author Spotlight Page?

It’s a dedicated space where I feature and celebrate indie authors in the romance genre, offering readers an in-depth look into their lives and works.

When are New Interviews Posted?

A new interview is posted every Wednesday, so mark those calendars!

Who Gets Featured?

The spotlight is on indie authors who specialize in romance, showcasing the richness and diversity within the genre.

What Can I Expect to Find?

Expect exclusive, in-depth interviews that are the result of meticulous research, along with sneak peeks into upcoming releases.

Why is it Important?

The spotlight serves as a platform for indie romance authors to connect with a wider audience and for readers to discover new, original love stories.
How Can I Get Featured?

Due to popular demand, there’s a backlog, but if you’re an indie romance author interested in being featured, there’s usually a submission process outlined on the page.

What’s the Turnaround Time for Interviews?

Interviews are sent out as soon as time allows. Each one is customized and unique, requiring in-depth research to ensure quality.

How Far in Advance are Interviews Scheduled?

Interviews are scheduled in advance, and several are already lined up. Due to high demand, there’s a backlog, but rest assured, I’m working diligently to feature as many indie authors as possible.

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Please note that due to the volume of submissions, not all entries may be contacted immediately. However, rest assured that every submission will be carefully reviewed, and you will be contacted in advance with a personalised interview and scheduled publication date.ย