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Interview with Elliot Ason, author of The Whole Tooth

Welcome to another exciting edition of the Author Spotlight series! This series is dedicated to showcasing the remarkable talent within the indie romance community, and today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a passionate and imaginative author, Elliot Ason.

Elliot Ason, a lover of all things romance, has captivated readers with her enchanting paranormal and monster romance short stories. Her unique blend of love and the supernatural brings a thrilling twist to the genre, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. As part of our Author Spotlight series, Elliot has chosen to feature her upcoming release, “The Whole Tooth,” which is set to captivate readers when it releases on July 6th and will be available for free on Kindle Unlimited.

“The Whole Tooth” delves into the extraordinary life of Beagan, a tooth fairy who finds her contentment shattered when a chance encounter changes everything. As the story unfolds, we follow Beagan’s journey as she navigates unforeseen challenges, while the sparks of romance ignite with Ethan, a normal guy striving to create a better life for himself and his son. Can these two seemingly different worlds find common ground and discover their own happily ever after?

As a lover of all things romance, what draws you to writing stories that feature monsters and paranormal elements? How do these elements enhance the romance aspect of your books?

Honestly, I got tired of reading about ‘boring’ humans. Don’t get me wrong, I love ALL the romance tropes, but there are only so many grumpy billionaires, hot bikers, or small-town high school crushes I can read about in a row so I gave PNR a chance and ended up falling down the rabbit hole that is monster romance from there 😅 it adds a whole new element to the romance, everything from a language barrier to settings that are (sometimes literally) out of this world.

Being a wife, mom, and working full time must keep you busy. How do you manage your writing schedule and find time to pursue your passion for writing? Any tips for other aspiring authors who struggle with balancing multiple roles?

I have a unique advantage that I work from home so I’m able to multitask a lot and get both real work and author duties (which there’s a never-ending list of) done in the same 9-hour time span. I try to keep my author stuff to a minimum during family hours but it of course bleeds through sometimes. For aspiring authors, make a little bit of time every week to write/brainstorm. It’ll grow organically from there – you may discover that you work best at 5 am on Tuesdays or something wild like that. Just keep trying til something fits in with your life schedule, and try not to make it a chore. Writing should be a fun thing!

“The Whole Tooth” is described as an (almost) insta-love story. What attracted you to explore this trope in your book? How did you develop the chemistry between Beagan and Ethan to make their connection feel authentic?

Because I write short stories I have to be able to compact an entire love story into about 40 pages. That generally means I rely on some type of “fated mates” or “meant to be” trope. Time jumps also help, I’m able to summarize months of time in a couple of sentences and move on to the “now” in a relationship.

Your book deals with themes of parent abandonment. How did you navigate this sensitive topic while maintaining the overall light and fun tone of the story? Why do you think it’s important to address real-life issues in romance novels? 

Though I’ve not dealt with parent abandonment personally, I knew I wanted to explore the responsibilities of being a single parent in a story and The Whole Tooth seemed to fit best. My parents divorced when I was one, so they both were single – it’s all I knew until they both remarried a decade plus later. It’s important to me to add real life to some stories (even if they’re set in a fantastical world), to me it helps to identify with a story more. For The Whole Tooth in particular I tried to keep the abandonment out of the picture when it came to the son being on page, we know it affects him, but we also know he has a fulfilling life despite the circumstances.

As an indie author, what have been the most rewarding and challenging aspects of your writing journey so far? How do you navigate the world of self-publishing and connect with your readers? 

The most challenging thing, without a doubt, has been self-promotion. I’m painfully introverted, so talking about myself is the last thing I want to do, but being a writer and wanting to share my stories and connect to others means I need to. The most rewarding thing has been the private messages people send about how much they enjoyed a story, it brings a HUGE smile to my face.

Can you tell us a little about your experience with Kindle Unlimited? How has it impacted your readership and book promotion strategy? Would you recommend it to other indie authors?

For me Kindle Unlimited is a blessing, I wouldn’t be an indie author without it. I just don’t have the time, knowledge, or resources to self-publish in other ways. I really respect all indie authors, no matter if they publish through KU or another way. I KNOW KU has its disadvantages, but for someone like me, it’s a really good fit. I personally would recommend it, so long as you’re not looking to make a million dollars, KU is a good way to get started.

What can readers expect from you in the future? Are there any upcoming projects or books you’re currently working on that you’d like to share with us?

Yes! I have two anthologies that I’m excited to be a part of later this year. And I also have another standalone story I’m drafting now, hoping to release it in late Aug 2023.

To stay up to date with Elliot Ason’s releases and delve into her captivating paranormal romance world, be sure to follow her on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, Instagram, and Facebook

If you’re an indie romance author and would like to be featured in my Author Spotlight series, I’d love to hear from you! Simply fill in the form found on this page. Stay tuned for more fascinating insights from talented indie romance authors, and don’t miss the chance to embark on an extraordinary journey with Elliot Ason’s upcoming release, “The Whole Tooth.”